About Us |
Since the company engineers had focus on this product started from 1986, customers have come to recognize Darhor Technology co.,Limited to stand for quality, reliability, and readily available low cost products. As a leading manufacturer in the controls and instrumentation industry, we continue to grow and serve major markets including, but not limited to flow meter , solenoid valve, and pressure gauge New applications are discovered daily through a cooperative effort between Darhor-Tech and its customers.,Such as dosing pump,pneumatic valve,electronic valve,angle seat valve.
杭州多多海科技有限公司成立于2010年是一家集设计,生产,制造与一体;产品专注在流量计,电磁阀,压力表,压力变送器等用于自动化管路控制领域,以出口为导向的公司;公司法人是从1986年开始就从事自动化仪表生产研究的老工程师;多多海目前是为多个美国自动化仪器仪表一线品牌OEM 的供应商。并且是Alibaba国际站双平台会员......
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